D. Harkins Richmond Pa
D. Harkins
Richmond Pa
Daniel Harkins, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Dark Green Porter
Provenance: Tod von Mechow Collection

Not much is known about Daniel Harkins other than he operated a tavern and sold porter on Richmond Street, below William in Philadelphia from 1856 to 1858 according to the city directory. Where he was before or after is unknown, though he was probably born in Ireland around 1814.
Porter is a style of beer that was developed in London, England in the early 18th century. It is well-hopped and dark in appearance owing to the use of brown malt. The name is believed to have originated from its popularity with porters. The popularity of porter was significant. It became the first beer style to be brewed around the world, and production had commenced in Ireland, North America, Sweden, and Russia by the end of the 18th century. The history of stout and porter are intertwined. The name “stout,” used for a dark beer, came about because strong porters were marketed as “stout porter,” later being shortened to just stout. Guinness Extra Stout was originally called “Extra Superior Porter” and was not given the name “Extra Stout” until 1840. Today, the terms stout and porter are used by different breweries almost interchangeably to describe dark beers, and have more in common than in distinction.
Our extremely rare cylindrical green glass porter-style bottle is embossed ‘D. HARKINS RICHMOND PA’ in three lines using bold sans serif copy, which is all set within a horizontal plate. The “A” in “Pa” is smaller and raised. The 7 ¼ x 2 7/8 (3 ½) inch bottle is hand-blown and has a double tapered collar and an improved pontil.

See the museum example of a “P. Dehm Manayunk” porter bottle.
The Richmond District, also known as Port Richmond District, was a district that was located in Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. The district ceased to exist and was incorporated into the City of Philadelphia following the passage of the Act of Consolidation, in 1854. The district was originally the name of a tract of land in Northern Liberties Township, adjoining the Delaware River north of Ball Town and south of Point-No-Point. It was incorporated as a district on February 27, 1847. It extended along the Delaware River to a point some distance northwest of the upper end of Petty Island; then northwest nearly to the point where Frankford Creek makes its most southerly bend; thence southerly bend; thence southwest to Westmoreland Street; northwest along the same to Emerald Street; southwest along the latter to a lane running from Frankford Turnpike to Nicetown Lane; along Frankford Turnpike to the north boundary of Kensington District, and down the same to Gunners’ Run, and along that stream to the Delaware River.
Primary Image: “D. Harkins Richmond PA” bottle imaged on location by Alan DeMaison, FOHBC Virtual Museum Midwest Studio.
Support: Reference to Soda & Beer Bottles of North America, Tod von Mechow
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