Old Kirk Bourbon Whiskey
Old Kirk Bourbon Whiskey
A. P. Hotaling & Co., San Francisco, California
Labeled Amber Cylinder Fifth
Provenance: Richard Burgarella Collection

This outstanding example of an unembossed Old Kirk Bourbon Whiskey was displayed by the consigner at the FOHBC Reno 2022 National Antique Bottle Convention. The fully labeled amber bottle is in immaculate condition and is a very late whiskey fifth put out by A. P. Hotaling & Co. of San Francisco, California, from 1903 to 1908.

An October 31, 1903, San Francisco Call advertisement said that A.P. Hotaling’s Old Kirk was a “Whisky Well Matured by Modern Scientific Methods. We recommend A. P. Hotaling’s Old Kirk as a straight blend of the very best Kentucky whiskies, unadulterated and guaranteed to be the purest whisky on the Pacific Coast. It has been matured in heated warehouses, and is now ready for the market. Any person who buys a bottle of this rare old goods will not be paying for fence ads or dead walls, and he will secure absolutely the finest brand ever introduced in California.” Some advertising said it was a “Medicinal Liquor.”

There are four labels on the bottle. The primary facia label reeds “A. P. Hotaling & Co.’s” in a serif typestyle (Bold red outlined and shadowed serif letter “A” in a patterned circle), “OLD KIRK BOURBON WHISKEY.” In smaller letters, the copy “TRADE MARK” occurs beneath “Old Kirk” in bold shadowed red serif letters. “Bourbon Whiskey” is in smaller black block serif letters. Beneath all this is very decorative script copy reading, “This Whiskey is bottled by us exclusively and we guarantee it to be absolutely pure and adulterated.” Behind these three lines of script copy is a very thin serif decorative copy that is faded and says “STRAIGHT BLEND.” The bottom of the label is signed “AP Hotaling & Co.” with uppercase black serif copy reading “SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.” beneath. The label is a medium tan color outlined with two thin black border lines.
There is a red and outlined tan vertical oval neck label with an illustrated image of a gowned and winged Victory Goddess and presumably an Old Kirk Bourbon Whiskey bottle next to her on the ground. She is holding a wreath and staff. Surrounding this image are the words. “VICTORY,” “CROWNING,” and “PURITY.” The AP Hotaling signature is beneath. Small “Trade Mark” letters bookend the image.
A broken seal over the mouth where a cork was used has the remnants of a paper seal in the same tan color with the “AP Hotaling & Co.” cursive signature.
A small horizontal band label on the reverse of the bottle reads in a serif italicized copy, “Guaranteed under the Food and Drugs Act June 30, 1906.” and “SERIAL No. 5898.”

Anson P. Hotaling was born in New Baltimore, New York, on February 28, 1827. His ancestors from Holland came to America and settled on Manhattan Island. As a young man, he would head west in search of gold. In 1854, after a short stint mining gold, Hotaling became a clerk in a wholesale liquor store. He took over the store in 1856 and renamed it A. P. Hotaling & Co. It is interesting to note that the sign in the museum says, “Established 1852.”
In 1866, Anson Hotaling became the exclusive west coast agent for J. H. Cutter Whiskey. At some point, he would open branches in Oregon, Washington Territory, and Australia. See the museum example of The “Kangaroo Whiskey.” He would die on February 19, 1900, leaving A. P. Hotaling & Co., the largest, most luxurious warehouse in San Francisco, to his sons Richard and Fred, who would continue the business and introduce Old Kirk Bourbon Whiskey. Initially, a bottle cost $1.00. Later advertising shows the brand discounted.
See the museum example of a A.P. Hotaling Co. of P.S. Sole Agents fifth.
See the museum example of the P.M.S.S. Pacific Mail Steamship Co. bottle by Anson P. Hotaling.
Primary Image: Old Kirk Bourbon Whiskey bottle imaged by Alan DeMaison at the FOHBC Reno 2022 National Antique Bottle Convention mobile imaging station.
Support Image: Auction Lot 87: Old Kirk Whiskey Sign, size: 19 x 13″, Stunning, early, tin over cardboard beveled edge sign for Old Kirk Whiskey (A.P. Hotaling & Co., San Francisco, CA). Crisp, bright and like new w/ incredible multicolor lithography by American Art Works. Near mint, with exception of a little non-offensive pinching at outer bottom right corner edge. – Morford’s Antique Advertising Auction, Premier Auction #98
Support Image: Richard Burgarella labeled whiskey display at the FOHBC Reno 2022 National Antique Bottle Convention. – FOHBC archives, Gini Pellegrini-Ott photograph.
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