689 Unembossed Gallery Ball (medium emerald green)
Unembossed Gallery Ball
Probably English
Medium Emerald Green
Provenance: Ex: Ralph Finch Collection, American Glass Gallery

This glass ball is called a “Gallery Ball” instead of a “Target Ball,” meaning it was probably made for a shooting gallery that might have been set up at an English country fair, carnival, circus, or other locations where fun games of chance occurred. It is kind of hard to believe now, but at these shooting games, you used a loaded 22 caliber rifle, and in some cases, you could bring your own rifle to shoot metal animals and birds along with glass bottles and balls. Other entertainments that you might find at one of these country fairs, besides shooting, might be jugglers, contortionists, variety troupes, and all types of games. Gallery Balls are typically smaller than Target Balls.
See the museum example of an Unembossed Target Ball.
See the museum example of an “H. Robinson – Birmm” Gallery Ball.
See the museum example of a “Stacey & Co – London E” Gallery Ball.

This 2-piece mold, 2 ¼ inch diameter Gallery Ball is in a medium emerald glass color. There is a rough-sheared mouth, and the condition is near perfect. The ball has great color with crude glass, with some streaks and swirl lines through the glass. It is considered an uncommon gallery ball in a scarce color.

Primary Image: Unembossed Gallery Ball imaged on location by Alan DeMaison, FOHBC Virtual Museum Midwest Studio.
Primary Image: Auction Lot 689: Unembossed Gallery Ball, probably England, 1880 – 1900. Medium emerald coloration, 2-piece mold, rough sheared mouth, dia. 2 ¼”, near mint; (just a little minor haze or dullness one side of the ball, otherwise perfect). Great color, crude glass, with some streaks and swirl lines through glass. An uncommon gallery ball, scarce color. – The Ralph Finch Collection of Target Balls, Traps and Shooting Ephemera, An Absentee Auction in Six Parts – 2017-2019, John Pastor and American Glass Gallery
Support: Reference to the American Glass Gallery, The Ralph Finch Collection of Target Balls, Traps and Shooting Ephemera, An Absentee Auction in Six Parts – 2017-2019
Support: Reference to What are target balls? I’m glad you asked! By Ralph Finch
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